Frances Evans

I am here to help you get rid of those annoying symptoms and habits that are stopping you moving forward with your life…

Over the past decade through my own experiences, I have recognised the need for a more effective and holistic approach to healing by getting to the root of any presenting issue.

Fast forward to the present day, I have learned that the human’s survival mechanism is to despatch a very uncomfortable set of feelings should it encounter a situation in which it has tagged as “unsafe” or “dangerous”. The brain will store that experience and the information it has gathered and will retrigger the same set of feelings if it finds itself in a similar setting – even when it doesn’t need to.

The speed of the human brain is such that when as humans, we happen to encounter a repeat of a similar unpleasant or traumatic experience, the brain will trigger the pathway from the previous experience, at such high speed that it simply cannot control its response – because the brain has already responded. And this is a tactic that the ancient part of our triune brain has up its sleeve 24/7 – 365 days a year and it is, very simply, a clever tactic to keep the human species alive.

So, what to do with those outdated trigger responses that are no longer necessary?

They continue to present themselves as uncomfortable physical or emotional feelings, because lurking in the deeper dark parts of the brain they literally think you need them! Like a hole in the head really.

In the present day, we understand much more about how the mind body connection works and it is important to recognise that every thought we think has so much influence and power over determining our future. We understand so much more now about the factors involved in the subject of mental and physical wellbeing, especially in terms of how family, social and environmental factors all play key roles in the determining how well we as human beings progress in life. Nature is you, and nurture is everything outside of you, your environment and all of this holds the key to unlock the mysteries you want to unlock.

When somebody comes to me with a presenting problem which is all consuming, my first question is: ‘let’s find out what happened to you…’ That’s the very first step.

In the 90s and 00s, I was working in London and life revolved around my working week, with weekends spent quaffing wine, scoffing chocolate and going to endless parties. In my late 30s, I began reading numerous books on psychotherapy and self-help in a bid to understand the great mystery of my somewhat challenging habits.

In 2018 I had several sessions of hypnotherapy, which set me on my way to freedom from alcohol and chocolate. I then set about achieving my goal of becoming a hypnotherapist. Subsequently I then decided to train in BrainWorking Recursive Therapy, which was introduced to me by an expert in the field of psychology. I am now an Advanced Member of the BWRT® Institute, qualified in Level 1 General Psychpathology and Level 2 Psychology of Identity & Behaviour.

In addition to my therapeutic training, over the last decade, where I have been able and fortunate enough to have the time to do so, I have committed time to volunteering in the local community and have found that the integration of my experience in community-based projects and therapy professions, to be an enhancement to my skills and understanding of my clients and the nature of my work as a BWRT® therapist and hypnotherapist.

I really believe that in addition to a secure family life, that community is also at the core of a happy and fulfilling existence. It really doesn’t matter how you mix with your community, it’s great to provide support and to feel supported.